As part of our plans to improve this site we are adding a reviews section, which means we're looking for people to get involved as accredited 57º North reviewers.
It doesn't matter if you've never written a music review before, we want people who are based in Aberdeen or Aberdeenshire and who are passionate about supporting local music. It can be any genre and any venue, just as long as it is happening in the region then you can write about it and have your work published on the site.
We'll even support you to produce your reviews, with training on offer from our expert team. This is also a fabulous way to get in to gigs for free, as we can get you press tickets and even the chance to interview the bands.
So, if this opportunity sounds like something you'd love to do, then get in touch and let us know more about you and why you would like to get involved. The contact email is: